social media

 freelancer to agency owner

scaling your  business to an agency model is your ticket to limitless income as a social media professional. all the steps needed to make it happen are waiting for you inside this 60-page guide.

your income has hit a ceiling.


You're great at servicing clients, but there are only so many hours in the day.

You are making decent money, but it's really not enough for all the work you are doing.

You are overwhelmed, tired, and unable to grow your business because you're stuck being your clients' “employee."

You know expanding your business is the way to grow, but you're terrified to take the leap because you don't know where to start and you don't know if you'll lose clients when you hand them off to someone else.


Which is why I decided to make this guide. Because I've gone through the overwhelm, hesitation, imposter syndrome, and everything else you may be feeling. 
I'm sharing every detail of my own journey to help you build an agency model business that will allow you to go from feeling like you are always working for clients to knowing you are working on your own business and creating income for yourself and others.

if you got sick today, who would handle your client accounts?

That question caused me so much anxiety when I didn't have a team to rely on. Today I know I can get sick, take a day off, or even take a vacation, and my clients will be in great hands.

Are you getting excited yet?



My comprehensive, step by step guide to increasing your income potential by going from social media freelancer to social media agency owner.


Let’s take a look at what’s inside


section 01

laying the foundation

Understanding the difference between being a freelancer and building an agency

Stepping into a leadership role

Establishing the business

Honing in on your ideal client

Establishing your brand and business identity

section 02

expanding your reach

Your agency marketing strategy

Creating a sales funnel to convert leads into clients

Building strategic partnerships with complementary businesses

section 03

rates and profits

Determining your agency rates

Monthly retainer breakdown

Your profits are not your salary

Setting retainers for a profitable agency

section 04

building your team

Identifying the key roles needed for your agency

Creating job descriptions and recruitment strategies

Establishing your culture and values

Developing training programs for new hires

section 05

streamlining operations

Automating routine tasks

Implementing processes and procedures

Outsourcing non-core tasks

Building your agency tech stack

section 06

scaling your agency

Expanding your services

White labeling



Business Calculators


Client Proposal Deck


Discovery Call Guide


Job Description Sample


Instagram Strategy Template


Trello Content Creation Template


Social Media Strategy Class


Standard Operating Procedure Template

I'm tired of seeing social media managers underpaid, overworked, undervalued. 

So I'm making this information available to see all of us make more money and build businesses that are profitable and sustainable.

this guide will show you how to...


Determine if you're ready to pivot from freelancer to agency and the steps needed before making the change


Create a marketing strategy to bring quality clients to your agency


Understand how to structure your services, calculate your profits, and set retainer rates


Build the right team with contractors or employees


Build your agency tech stack and standard operating procedures


Expand and scale your services

ok, i'm in. how much is the investment?

Although this information can run into the hundreds or (gasp!) thousands depending on who you’re buying from, I'm committed to help social media professionals. 

When we all have the information and tools to create sustainable businesses, the whole industry wins. 

And I'm grateful you are in my community and want to see you succeed!


start building your agency today!